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Arquivo mensal Janeiro 22, 2019

What motivates you?

Let’s watch these two videos. Then let’s get to the bottom to see what really motivates you.

Featuring Will Smith

Arnold Schwarzenegger – Motivational speech

Answer the following questions:

At work

  1. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  2. Are you a team player or a lone wolf?
  3. Do your strengths align with the job?
  4. Do they align with the company overall?
  5. Are you applying for a position that you’ll want to excel at or are you just there for a paycheck?

In your life

  1. What are you passionate about?
  2. What is it that gets you out of bed every day with enthusiasm?
  3. Where does your mind go when you’re allowed to daydream?
  4. Can you think of a time when you were very motivated to learn something (not language)? When was it? What kind of motivation did you have?
  5. Do you think one kind of motivation is better than another? If so, which one?
  6. Think of other language classes you have had. What activities did you do that were motivating? Make a list.
  7. What kind of classroom activities do you find DEmotivating (i.e. that do not motivate you). Make a list.

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