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Coronavirus: What is it? What to do? How to stay safe?

Coronavirus: What is it? What to do? How to stay safe?

Do you have a ton of questions too? Calm down, don’t freak out! We want to help you understand a little about it. Let’s get started then.

Coronavirus is a virus highly contagious that has been spreading person-to-person all over the world. It’s a serious matter, so people need to be aware about what actions to take to lower covid-19. Before learning how to protect yourself and some tips in case of quarantine, let’s brifiely understand what we know until now about this virus.

Cases of Covid-19 first emerged in December 2019, when a mysterious illness was reported in Wuhan, China. The disease appears to have originated from a Wuhan seafood market whose wild animals were being sold. It can be transmitted animal-to-human, although coronavirus is a contagious disease, the death rate is low according WHO. At this moment, the recommendation is washing hands regularly, eating healthy, avoiding crowed places and keep some distance while talking to someone and when greeting someone the suggestion is bow, nob or a wave, safer options in the outbreak.

If you are in quarantine, our suggestion is enjoy this moment to reflect at home, to learn something new, to rest – of course, if you are not feeling well, stay hydrated and we wish you get better. Take advantage to these moment to improve your English skills. Movies, music, exercices, cooking and add English in all of those activities, we’ll tell you how much your English has boosted with small choices everyday.

You can check below World Health Organization website to know the latest information: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019

Felipe Sanches

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