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Why should you drink more coffee?

Why should you drink more coffee?

According to several studies after studies it is proved that drinking a certain amount per day of coffee could bring good benefits.

A British study of around 500,000 people found that the ones who habitually drank coffee were between 10 and 15 percent less likely to die during any 10 year period than non-coffee drinkers. Also the University of Stanford found, in a study, by tracking 100 people over the years that coffee drinkers tended to live longer than those that don’t drink coffee.

Besides that, drinking coffee decreases the risks of heart failure for each additional cup per day, however don’t think drinking a lot of coffee will make you stronger or healthier. Then stop at 5 cups. Alright? It is what the studies say, people must stop at 5.

How many cups of coffee do you usually drink per day? What is your favorite kind of coffee?

So why don’t you come over at Espresso English Cafeteria and have a good time with us drinking a coffee, or if you don’t like coffee don’t worry, we have other options like hot chocolate, iced chocolate, juices, tea and so on.

☕ ❤️

Felipe Sanches

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